Training activity of Cave Rescue Committee

Report of Cave Rescue trainig . It organized by Cave Rescue Committee(CRC) or co-organized by CRC.

1997.12.31-1998.1.4Akiyoshi-dai,Yamaguchi pref.SRT CaverFirst aid and basic cave rescue techniques training course
1998.2.28-3.8Taga-tyo Shiga pref.SRT CaverFirst aid and basic cave rescue techniques training course
1998.5.30-31Okutama-tyo,TokyoCaverTraining of First-aid , Vertical transport
1998.7.18Narusawa-mura Yamanashi pref.CaverCave rescue demonstration on '98 Cave Festival on Mt.Fuji.
1998.11.28TokyoExperienced SRT CaverSelf rescue trainig
1998.12.12Okutama-tyo,TokyoSRT CaverVertical transport training
1999.4.17-18Okutama-tyo,Tokyo Basic cave rescue techniques training course
1999.4.29-5.5Akiyoshi-dai,Yamaguchi pref. Experienced SRT CaverGeneral cave rescue training course & prepare for summer recue camp
1999.5.29-30Okutama-tyo,Tokyo Basic cave rescue techniques training course
1999.6.19-20Hitachi-city,Ibaraki pref. Experienced SRT CaverGeneral cave rescue training course & prepare for summer recue camp
1999.7.17Hitachi-city,Ibaraki pref. Experienced SRT CaverGeneral cave rescue training course & prepare for summer recue camp
1999.8.7Akiyoshi-dai , Yamaguchi pref. CaverCave rescue training demonstration
1999.8.9-14Akiyoshi-dai , Yamaguchi pref. SRT CaverGeneral cave rescue training course
1999.12.11Chichibu , Saitama pref Fire fighter and concerned peoplefriendship with the fireman
2001.8.10Sugawatari-do , Iwate pref.Iwaizumi goverment  and concerned people Cave rescue lecture for Iwaizumi-tyo fireman and showcave staff.
2002.5.2-6Uchimaki-do , Iwate pref. Experienced SRT CaverGeneral cave rescue training course
2002.8.11-16Akiyoshi-dai , Yamaguchi pref. SRT CaverGeneral cave rescue training course
2002.11.1-310th International Meeting of the Speleo Rescue   
