
"The Speleological Society of Japan (SSJ)" was established in 1975, and merged with "The Japan Speleological Association"(established in 1959) and "The Japan Caving Association"(established in 1978) in 1996.
We are an unique organization that unifies various fields related to speological studies and cave exploration in Japan.

What is SSJ / Cave Informations in Japan / Publications

Contact / Councils & Committees / Events

Headquarters: c/o Akiyoshi-dai Museum of Natural History
Akiyoshi Syuho-cho Mine-gun, Ymaguchi 754-0511, Japan
Secretariat: Fukuoka University Department of Earth System Science
8-19-1 Nanakuma, Jonan-ku, Fukuoka City 814-0180, Japan

Last Update:Jun 5 2023